Which Resistance
Level is right for you?

Resistance Levels

Experience the unparalleled benefits of Resistance Wear Clothing Brand leggings and shorts, engineered with a revolutionary cloth 20-60 pound resistance band integrated seamlessly into the fabric across the thighs.

Experience the perfect balance of resistance tailored to your fitness level with our Resistance Wear Leggings or Shorts. Choose from three levels:

20-30 pound Resistance: 

Light and ideal for beginners or activities like walking around the house while doing chores, running, dancing, Barre classes, biking and almost any activity. This level offers gentle resistance to help build strength and improve endurance gradually as well as helping with form and stability.

Change the way you workout

Transform normal, every day movements into a resistance workout.

Enhance Running  

Run with better form while increasing your endurance levels.

Sports Training

Add a little extra to your fitness routine without being overwhelmed.

30-40 pound Resistance:

Perfect for the fitness enthusiast aiming to push boundaries and reach new performance levels and build muscle quickly while burning more calories during your workout. This level of resistance provides a challenging yet achievable workout experience, suitable for various fitness activities, like Yoga, Barre, Gym Classes, Bike Riding, home gym workouts and most sports training.

40-60 pound Resistance:

For the exercise enthusiast looking to add POWER to their training. Designed for those with powerful hamstrings, glutes and quads seeking an intense training session. Not recommended for fast-paced activities like running, but excellent for fitness classes, home gym workouts, or power training. Prepare to unleash your strength one rep at a time, with this high-intensity resistance level.


Transform your practice


Run with better form while increasing your endurance levels.


Train smarter and harder